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Meetings is one of the core areas of Our Cat Herder. It allows you to quickly browse both upcoming and past meetings.

Using Our Cat Herder to access meeting documents

You can use Our Cat Herder to view your meeting papers for each meeting.

To view your board papers you must be logged into your organisation's portal.

Once logged in click onĀ "Meetings" in the left hand side menu.

Find the meeting you need to view and click the name.

Look for the series of green buttons.

Use the "Meeting Papers" area to view the agenda, meeting paper attachments and other important documents relating to the meeting.

How do I RSVP to a meeting?

When you are invited to a meeting in Our Cat Herder you will get an email invitation to the meeting which includes details of the meeting and an .ics calendar file so you can add the meeting to your Outlook, Gmail or other calendar.

Also in the email is a link that allows you to RSVP to the meeting. Click the link, login (if you aren't already) to Our Cat Herder and you will be directed straight to the meeting where you will see a

RSVP button. Click this and in the drop down select "Accept" or "Apologies".

Updated: 25 June 2020