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2023 Our Cat Herder Updates

🎁 Upcoming in 2023 🎁

We've got a major update coming in 2024 which we are super excited about. Because some of this update is very significant we will have a few less major feature updates in 2023, but rest assured we are working hard to make sure Our Cat Herder is improving and once this update is complete we will be able to offer our customers a wider range of features and functionality than ever before.

Updates to the Our Cat Herder system in 2023.

October 2023

  • PDFs open in modal fix
  • Portal Admins can, in specific circumstances, update a users email for them.
  • On Decision Maker decision creator can hide decision results.

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...

  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

September 2023

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

August 2023

  • Updates to PDF generation to improve PDF generation speed.
  • Bug Fix for Vote reminder emails on some portals being delayed.

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...

  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

July 2023

  • Allow user to disable their 2FA (previously admin only function)

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...

  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

June 2023

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

May 2023

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

April 2023

  • Agenda item description improved to allow the inclusion of lists, expanding the functionality of the Agenda builder to be far more flexible. Including allowing customised sub items and sub sub items using the description fields.
  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.


Updates to 2FA setup documentation and issues.

March 2023

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

February 2023

  • Routine system updates, security improvement, patches etc...
  • Work continues behind the scenes on major system update.

January 2023

New Features

  • Addition of agenda item description added.

Minor Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Errors for some customers with files names resolved.

  • In Meeting Actions PDFs if action item exceeds a certain length the actions in the PDF are pushed to start on the second page. But this doesn't happen in the actions PDF exported from the actions management area.